Branch of light hellpoint
Branch of light hellpoint

If you use them too close to another one, it can often feel like a waste of rare resources. It adds a layer of choice of when is best to use them. With a rare item you can synchronise these breaches and teleport between them. Leveling up is done at the breaches and you can level a wide array of stats that appeal to your playstyle, such as stamina, health, mana, strength, etc. You can raise or lower the difficulty of an area using certain items, so if an area is giving you trouble you don’t need to overly grind levels to get through. The changes the black hole brings are so insignificant and unnoticeable that it can often feel like an underused mechanic. The station orbits around this black hole and adds some dynamic elements to the game world. This time it’s the black hole that is literally at the centre of the game. Like many Souls-like games, Hellpoint has a unique mechanic that it bases its entire game around. Where in Dark Souls the bosses are essential to the lore and feel like they belong, in Hellpoint they are just there. The biggest sin though is that they don’t really have a place in the universe. They are much easier than they look and I often came out on-top on my first attempt. Most of the time simply strafing around them and dodging their attacks is enough to deal with them. So what are the bosses like? For the most part they are fine and apart from a couple stand-outs, don’t offer anything unique or interesting. The enemies that you fight against can get tiresome really quickly and you will be fighting a lot of the same type throughout the game. Certain areas can be completed in different orders, but as a whole I wasn’t really impressed. It doesn’t give you a clear direction where to go and lets you discover the way by yourself. Level design is of course a mostly linear affair, but with winding paths and interconnected areas. There’s also just a general lack of polish in the gameplay as a whole combat feels floaty and hit detection feels off with a lack of visual feedback. There’s even a dedicated jump button that fits in with some platforming-focused levels, though I often fell to my death due to imprecise controls. I played with a sword on one hand and a railgun on the other.

branch of light hellpoint

There’s plenty of variety here to suit everyone’s playstyles. You’ve got your standard light and heavy attacks alongside your dodges and ranged weapons. If you’ve played any Dark Souls game in the past, you will be at home with the core gameplay.

Branch of light hellpoint