- #Jimmy neutron pop nsync full#
- #Jimmy neutron pop nsync tv#
Moral Event Horizon: Goobot crosses it when he reveals the parents of the kids are going to be sacrificed to Poultra, and how it's all Jimmy's fault because of Jimmy's transmission. That only a few people actually know and realized it came from this film! BOI Explanation Taken from Hugh's "Boy today is a scorcher out there" line from the Burping Soda scene, the way Hugh pronounces "Boy" has been turned into a meme so much. Usually used as commentary on overexposure of a product, joke, or current event. This scene ◊ of Sheen's Show & Tell presentation is often edited where Sheen and the UltraLord figure are replaced with different people and objects. This is almost a half hour into the movie's run time (almost a third into the overall time), and without having seen it prior you would be completely lost. Lost in Medias Res: The PS2/GCN video game adaptation starts the game off at the Retroland scene, right in the middle of a conversation with Nick, with absolutely no exposition or context provided to the player about what in the world is going on. He's constantly being picked on for his small size by other people, but that never stopped him from continuing on with his life and enjoying his small group of friends. Some might have had older siblings, but can we expect all the kids to account for all the helpless babies? Inferred Holocaust: No infants and senior citizens were present at the film's climax, which means they were left all alone in the town. #Jimmy neutron pop nsync tv#
While using one of his inventions that changes his hair (Robo-Barber), Jimmy ends up with a ponytail ("You go girl!") similar to Cindy's in the TV series.One time, Goobot throws one of his henchmen out of the airlock, which the Junkman threatens to do to Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen in his introductory episode.Throughout the film, Cindy regularly refers to Jimmy by his first name this is hilarious in the fact that in the TV series, she rarely does so, preferring to address him as Neutron (or "nerdtron", among other mocking nicknames), and this is lampshaded in the episode "Stranded".That scene where Sheen pees in the shower? That is actually considered a life hack.Ensemble Dark Horse: Nick, though he would be Demoted to Extra after the first season.
#Jimmy neutron pop nsync full#
Heck, the movie's entire soundtrack is full of Awesome Music. *NSYNC's "Pop", played when the gang goes to Retroland.Bowling for Soup's rendition of the show's theme song."Kids in America", Covered Up by No Secrets.