Among the critiques people leveled at “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” (as well as the broader purity movement ) is that it leaned toward a fear-based approach to sex and romance and promoted the idea that marriage is better than singleness.

Prior to announcing that he no longer believes in Christianity in July 2019, Harris decided to stop publication of his book, and he created a documentary exploring the flaws people saw in it. Joshua Harris’s book, “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” is one of the most well-known books from that time period. Sexual thoughts, most physical contact, and sex outside marriage were elevated to ‘unforgivable sins.’”

Said Keller, “The teaching went far beyond the Christian sex ethic to argue that you should not ‘date’ or even kiss someone unless you were sure you were going to marry them. “ Purity culture ” generally refers to an evangelical movement that took place in the 1990s and which, among other ideas, emphasized not having sex before marriage and promoted courtship over dating. Abstinence Is Part of Historic Christianity

The first laws vs rape & sex without consent grew from this Christian ethic…Since then, every branch of the Christian church-orthodox, Catholic, & Protestant-in every culture and in every century has taught the ethic of sexual abstinence outside of marriage. This ethic replaced the (wrong) Greco-Roman model of sexuality-that men of higher status, even if married, were allowed to demand sex with anyone of lower social status.