Back when Yomi was dungeon lord, Vesta tipped off some adventurers to a secret passageway (or the Portal Network) to Yomi's chamber, and they were able to catch her off guard as she was sleeping at the time and they had charms specifically made to seal her. Ambition Is Evil: This was how Yomi ended up sealed in the first place.Also, the fact they've been around since before Yomi was sealed away makes it plain that they are a lot older than they look. Almighty Janitor: Isabella and Charlotte may be the Innkeeper and Shopkeeper respectively, but Yomi notes that they are extremely powerful, to the degree she's not worried at the notion of them entering the dungeon.All-Loving Hero: Yomi believes that any female, even if they're a calamity, is a woman before anything else.Aliens Speaking English: Somehow, not only do the extraterrestrials speak the same language as Ceri and others, one book Yomi finds in the ship's living quarters is in a language she can read.Hiriko then warns them that even if she surrendered, there'll still be resistance among the soldiers, explaining why there are still Random Encounters in her ship even after that. Hiriko is surprised, yet concedes to their terms, and even offers to uplift their civilization, but Yomi and Ceri refuse the proposal, arguing that their civilization should get to that level on their own.

Naturally, Yomi's party successfully thwarts them, but then offers them to stay in her lands, stating that invasion isn't necessary.
#Sakura dungeon cp full#
Alien Invasion: The reason why the extraterrestrials, led by Commander Hiriko, invaded is because things are chaotic back home, causing the ship's crew to leave in search of a new home, and they happened to find this world ideal full of energy, primitive inhabitants, and natural resources, not to mention an identical atmosphere.A Date with Rosie Palms: A common ero scene.Adam Smith Hates Your Guts: You only get to sell items you bought or similar for one-fifth of their sale price.In one cutscene, when Yomi visits Ceri in her bedroom, she's surprised to see that the knight sleeps in her armor. 24-Hour Armor: If it weren't for the various costume choices, Ceri would've stayed in her armor.Chika, the space criminal you can recruit into your team while in the Bonus Dungeon.Any monsters you recruit into your team while in the Abyss, since there's not much game left by that point.The Ryuuou has two servants named Tatsu and Yori who can be recruited late in the game, and they start as Level 50.

WARNING: The uncensored version of this game contains adult themes like full nudity and lesbian sex.