There is no saving in Returnal: if you're in the middle of a great run, but have to leave or do something else, you can't save your progress.The memento-like items described above that are found after completing the house sequences in Returnal are one-time use only.Other items increase weapon damage when integrity is low or full. For example, completing the first house sequence unlocks the Astronaut Figurine and if you die with this in your inventory, you’ll immediately be brought to life in the exact area you died. What the game doesn’t tell you is that these items are actually super helpful. Going through house sequences in the game unlock special memento-like items.

To make sure, head to IGN’s Which Items in Returnal Are Permanent? to confirm your suspicions. If an item’s description sounds permanent, it probably is.
Returnal tips and tricks pro#
You’ll want to become a dashing pro as quickly as possible. It’s a move that can make or break a run because messing up one dash in the middle of some serious otherwise-high-damage attacks can end with you dead. Practice dashing in your first few runs: Dashing is so, so, so important in Returnal.Much of the game’s story is told in the flashbacks and quick cutscenes that play in between dying and your next run. Die! Seriously, die and don’t feel bad about doing it.Stuck on a specific a biome? Be sure to check out our Returnal Walkthrough Guide and if you find yourself struggling to defeat a boss, IGN's complete Bosses Guide has you covered.